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Men, treat yourselves to an amazing get-away at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat! Relax, enjoy sports, hiking, worship and grow closer to God with inspiring worship and Bible teaching with Rev. Peter DeArruda. Enjoy a weekend that will restore your soul!

Rev. Peter DeArruda is an ordained minister in New York City where he and his wife, Darleen, serve as urban missionaries for the past 30 years with the New York School of Urban Ministry.  Rev. DeArruda became Elim Fellowships first Home Missionaries in 1987 and serves on the Council of Elders Board for Elim Fellowship, Lima, NY.

Since 1987, he has been actively involved in spearheading and leading urban outreaches as well as evangelism training with the New York School of Urban Ministry.  He has been instrumental in bringing vision and challenge to city churches in mobilizing the body of Christ for urban ministry.  He is a Bible teacher in several ethnic NYC churches and is also an instructor at NYSUM. Rev. DeArruda provides leadership for those coming to New York City to be trained in ministry from other mega-cities throughout the U.S. and Canada—with the purpose of motivating and equipping churches to reclaim their own city for Christ!  He also serves as a mentor in urban ministry for many local churches in New York City, providing support, resources and guidance to urban pastors and churches through years of relationship and experience.



F R I D A Y:
2:00pm: Check in
7:00pm: Service
9:30pm: Free time (Grill & Chill snack shop open)
11:00pm: Curfew

S A T U R D A Y:
8:00am: Breakfast
10:00am: Service
12:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm-5:00pm: Free time
5:00pm: Dinner
7:00pm: Service
9:30pm: Free time (Grill & Chill snack shop open)
11:00pm: Curfew

S U N D A Y:
8:00am: Breakfast
10:00am: Service
12:00pm: Lunch