We were blessed to have Johnny Radcliff from National Network of Youth Ministries bring the message of “The Lamest Superhero’s” and being called to be different and set apart.
Big shout out to the students from UVF – University of Valley Forge leading worship and workshops!
We thank God for the salvations and rededication’s of lives to follow Christ! Looking forward with great expectation for next years Youth Weekend!

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Ways to Give
- Become a Prayer Partner. Give $25 a month – visit our website – Prayer Partner page for details.
- Text to Give: Text “GIVE” to 570-209-9151 and follow the prompts to give via credit card
- Online: by CLICKING HERE
- Calling: 570-386-2154 to give over the phone with one of our staff
- Mailing a Check: checks made payable to Blue Mountain Christian Retreat & Conference Center can be mailed to 1 Christian Lane New Ringgold, PA 17960