Watching with excitement as God moves in 2023

Blessings from Blue Mountain Christian Retreat!  2023 is moving forward!  It’s always good to start the new year off with the mindset of expectancy of what God will do.  Father in Heaven we thank you for your past blessings and look forward to your wonderful plans for our days ahead.  Please bless each one of our friends and fill their 2023 with bright blessings, your amazing peace and true joy.  Bring them safely to us for retreats and give them rest and a great encounter with You, Jesus.

As we are keeping you in our prayers, we ask that you keep Blue Mountain Christian Retreat in your prayers as well.  Our January prayer request is that God fill this place with His servants.  We currently have several full and part time job openings.  Here is a sampling of our needs:  Retreat Manager, Children & Youth Ministry Director, Food Service Director, Maintenance Team Members…  Please check the Job Opportunities available on our website (home page – link at the bottom) and pray for God to bring the right people to fill these positions.  We as a staff are asking God to give wisdom to the board as they seek out and interview prospects.  May the Lord provide people filled with a love for the Lord and His work here at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat. 

We all wait on the Lord with great expectation as to what He will do in 2023.  His plan is always good and we trust that He will continue to move His work forward – He is always in control and He is always faithful.  Praise the Lord!  It’s quite a blessing to see guests come to the retreat tired and frazzled and watch them leave aglow with peace and joy – fully refreshed in the Lord.  What satisfaction to be able to be a part of His work! 

2023 is rapidly booking up with church groups and individuals and families coming to hear our speakers!  How exciting!  Father in Heaven, grow our team and fill us with unity, strength and health to serve our guests in a manner that is pleasing to you.  To our friends and family, thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement.  Have a wonderful year – we look forward to seeing you soon!

He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.  Deuteronomy 32:4 NKJV

You can leave your imprint on God’s mountain and help share His love by giving a gift to grow God’s work here. Thank you!

Ways to Give

  • Become a Prayer Partner.  Give $25 a month – visit our website Prayer Partner page for details.
  • Text to Give: Text “GIVE” to 570-209-9151 and follow the prompts to give via credit card
  • Online: by CLICKING HERE
  • Calling: 570-386-2154 to give over the phone with one of our staff
  • Mailing a Check: checks made payable to Blue Mountain Christian Retreat & Conference Center can be mailed to 1 Christian Lane New Ringgold, PA 17960

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